Monday, April 03, 2006

ONE (God) and Direct Democracy


Never upon a Time, there was NOTHING. Since NOTHING existed, nothing could be said about IT or about anything else because NOTHING else existed. There was no Motion measured in time units, no Matter measured in distance units, no Energy measured in intensity units, no Vacuum, measured in abstract or virtual minus intensity units. NOTHING. ZERO. ZILCH. Not this, not that.

Once upon a Time, there is ONE. And ONE is ALL there is. And NOTHING does not exist. ONE knows everything that IS. IT knows about ITSELF, ONE, ALL or SOMETHING. ONE is everywhere there IS. IT is ALL Motion, measured in time unit. IT is ALL Matter measured in distance units. IT is ALL Energy measured in intensity units. IT is ALL Vacuum measured in abstract or virtual minus intensity units. NOTHING does not exist. Well, MAYBE and/or MAYBE NOT, NOTHING existed before ONE. Then ONE knows about NOTHING that IS NOT. And ONE called MAYBE and/or MAYBE NOT the MIND.

Twice upon a Time, there was and still is the MIND. There is ONE, and MIND. Before ONE and MIND, there is or was NOTHING. MIND measured and still measures the Motion between ONE and NOTHING in time, distance and energy units. MIND used and still uses time units to measure the Motion between the duality of the TWO, ONE and NOTHING. MIND used and still uses distance units to measure between the Matter in ONE. MIND used and still uses intensity units to measure between the Energy in ONE. MIND used and still uses abstract or virtual minus intensity units to measure between the Vacuum in ONE.

Never upon a Time, there was NOTHING(zero), once upon a Time there was ONE (the singularity) and twice upon a Time there was ONE and MIND(duality). Then MIND called itself the MIND. The MIND thought and still thinks it created itself and that it was and still is the Cause of everything.

Well, you get the picture and you can see where this theological fantasy is going. From the zero point (Buddhism, not this/not that), to one point, (Singularity, monotheism, God, ONE), represented by the one point of zero dimension. From one to two (dualism, Creator/creation or the Mind, represented by the line between the two points, called one dimension). From two to three (Triangle of the Trinity, Creator (God the Father), Creation (God the Son or Jesus) and the Mind is now the Interaction between the Two, or the Holy Ghost of 2nd century Christianity (notice no female, nor the marginalized, so very "elitist" and not "universal"), represented by the three points or the plane or two dimensions). From three to four (Volume, 3-d, represented by the tetrahedron, the pyramid of representative democracy, close to our experienced reality as it includes the masses (universality), excludes the paranormal, or 4-d of metaphysical events, practices and mythical beings such as angels, spirits, and ghosts, fairies, elves etc.....spirituality, psychic phenomenon, new physics in n… dimensions, super-luminar communication etc….)

In our current pyramid of “representative democracy”, we are a 3-d (or 4-d?) society using a uni-dimensional decision-making, or voting tool of yes/no, good/bad, black/white etc leading to a them/us, winner take all, divided society. We are trying to deal with the complex, multi-dimensional problems of a multi-racial, multi-ethnic, multi-religious planet with the un-evolved remnants of a system designed hundreds of years ago for an elite, not for the masses.

What is happening at the national and state level will soon be happening at the global level. Soon we will have to make decisions in global elections. We will be voting on global issues that cannot be decided by a simple uni-dimensional “yes or no” vote. The issues are too complex. To remain with the same “representative democracy” is to spread our political elitism and corruption to other developing states. God help us if we encounter other life-forms in the universe with a divided population as we now have. We will be seen as a “virus” to be eradicated.

The “MAYBE/MAYBE NOT”, of the evolved thinking MIND (in the fantasy above), which is really reflected in “none of the above” (NOTA) or “rephrase the question” is not represented on our ballots and we can readily understand why in the historical context of representative democracy. It took too much time. “Abstain” is also not on our ballot although it is used extensively in business and in the political process itself. It is only the masses, the "people" who do not have that power to vote “none of the above” or “abstain” and/or to amend the choice put forward on the ballot.

The communication revolution has (or soon will) changed all that. Now, it is representative democracy that is too slow and too corruptible. One person cannot represent the many. The servants we elect really represent the “pressure groups”, the "party". Exerting pressure takes a lot of money and time, empowers the elite, and makes for bad and corrupt decisions because the decisions are eventually influenced and manipulated by the small groups with the higher paid or more ruthless lobbyists. Nature and/or the majority’s concerns are not adequately represented and never will be in a representative democracy. A truly democratic ballot on an issue would have four choices: YES, NO, NOTA and ABSTAIN. Or weighted votes, could really be a rating system of one to five (as an example) for some issues.

The underlying paradigm of our "Power politics" system is a pyramid, while the Energy paradigm is a sphere or a spiral. One (the pyramid) centralizes energy or power in three dimensions at the vertices (the point) and that is where the corruption takes place. The point-person, who is really the servant, begins to think he/she is the leader. When the energy does not flow, it becomes hard, thick-skinned or dogmatic and corrupt. The examples of stagnant water or “pools of money” attracting diseases and corruption are valid. The sphere or spiral on the other hand distributes the energy in three dimensions to the entire surface evenly. The healthy way of dealing with energy as with power or money is to spread it around and let it flow naturally or it becomes corrupt, regressive, repressive and abusive. We cannot stop the flow of energy or power and then cure or fix it. It’s like caging the tiger and studying it. It will not give a correct or natural representation of the tiger as it is in the wild. Caging and studying the tiger will give a false or corrupt image of the tiger’s reality. The caged tiger will become ill as our political system has. The tiger of democracy, as our political or decision-making power, must be shared with the broader masses through voting on issues in a “direct democracy”. The tiger of democracy is a living entity and must evolve to survive.

Voting on issues was not practical before the communication revolution, and the Age of Information, and it still is not possible in a “representative democracy”. What we get in a representative democracy are polls with legally “non binding” referenda. But it is possible in a “consensus”, "initiative" or a “direct democracy”. We needed the technology to make it possible, and now we have it. The communication revolution is upon us, and the political revolution is beginning. We can do it. As Captain Jean Luc Picard on Star Trek says, “ Make is so”.


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